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Coco Cherry Chicken

coco cherry chicken

1 tablespoon cornflour
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2½ cups fresh or canned pitted cherries
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground allspice
½ cup flour
2 4oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts, split
cooking spray
½ cup desiccated coconut

Nutritional Analysis per Recipe Serving: protein-35g, fat-7.4g, carbohydrate-64.2g, fiber-3.3g

Serves 2

Captain J.C. Voss, a Canadian who sailed around the world in a canoe, discovered the coconut tree in the South Pacific. Islanders used the coconut for food and drink, and the husks for rope, fishing lines and nets.

Preparation: First, puncture two or three of the "eyes" and drain the milk. Then, heat the coconut in a 200°C (350°F) oven for 15 minutes. Let stand until just warm, then wrap in a towel and crack with a hammer.

  1. Dissolve cornstarch in lemon juice and stir into cherries.

  2. combine spices and flour in a paper bag; add chiken and shake to coat.

  3. Brown chicken in skillet sprayed with cooking spray. Reduce heat and simmer about 20 minutes.

  4. Remove chicken from pan and cover with aluminium foil. Remove all but 1 tablespoon drippings from pan; add cherries and bring to boil until sauce thickens.

  5. Pour over chicken and garnish with coconut.

  6. Cook pasta in a large pan of boiling water until tender. Drain. Combine sauce and pasta and serve.
Selection & Storage: Coconuts are usually sold without the outer husk. They should appear dry, and the "eyes," or soft spots, should not be moldy or wet. Select coconuts that are heavy, and listen for juice that sloshes inside when the coconut is shaken. Refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.