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Roast Chook
with Baked Vegetables

roast chook

1.4 kg (3 lbs) roasting chook
6 medium potatoes
375 g pumpkin
4 small onions
30 g butter, melted
2 rashers bacon, rind removed
2 tablespoons oil

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Total cooking time: 1 hour

Serves 4

  1. Preheat oven to moderate 180°C (350°F). Trim chicken of excess fat and sinew. Rinse the chicken and pat dry with paper towels. Peel potatoes, pumpkin and onions. Cut potatoes in half and pumpkin into even-sized pieces.

  2. Combine melted butter and lemon juice and brush some of the mixture around inside of the chook. Fold wings back behind chicken; tie legs together with string. Brush chicken all over with the remaining butter mixture. Place on a rack in a large baking dish.

  3. Cut bacon rashers into strips, lay across chicken breasts. Place the prepared vegetables in a smaller baking dish. Brush vegetables all over with oil.

  4. Place both dishes in oven. Bake for 1 hour or until juices run clear when chicken thigh is pierced with a skewer and vegetables have turned golden and are tender in the centre. Serve with steamed broccoli and green beans.

hint: Baked potatoes are delicious if, before baking, you boil them for 5 minutes, drain, pat dry and then score across them with the prongs of a fork. Place in dish and brush all over with a little olive oil which has been mixed with a clove of crushed garlic.