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Battered Saveloys

Battered Saveloys

8 thick wooden skewers
8 saveloys or frankfurts
plain flour
oil for deep frying
tomato sauce

¼ cup self-rising flour
2 tablespoons plain flour
¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
½ cup water
1 egg, lightly beaten

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Total cooking time:10-15 minutes
Makes 8

  1. Insert wooden skewers through centre of saveloys lengthways, leaving about 8cm protruding at one end for a handle. Dust saveloys lightly with flour.

  2. To make Batter: Place flours, soda, water and egg in food processor blender. Process mixture for 10 seconds or until all ingredients are combined and the mixture is free of lumps. Transfer mixture to a bowl.

  3. Heat oil to moderately hot in deep heavy-based pan. Holding end of skewers, dip saveloys one or two at a time into batter. Use a spoon, if necessary, to coat saveloys completely; drain off excess batter.

  4. Holding skewer ends, gently lower battered saveloys into oil. Hold for a few seconds until saveloys float unaided. Cook for 1 minute or until lightly golden and crisp. Carefully remove from oil with tongs or slotted spoon, drain on paper towels. Repeat process with remaining saveloys. Re-dip each cooked saveloy in remaining batter and repeat the cooking process. Place tomato sauce in a bowl and place on the table for dipping.