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Sweet Corn Fritters

Sweet Corn Fritters

1 cup plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon paprika
1 tablespoon sugar
2 eggs
½ cup milk
2 cups fresh corn off the cob
½ red capsicum, diced
½ cup sliced shallots
¼ cup chopped coriander and parsley
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
8 halves roast tomatoes
1 bunch rocket
4 rashers bacon, grilled
olive oil

  1. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and paprika into a large bowl, stir in sugar.

  2. In a separate bowl, combine eggs and milk. Add the egg mix to the dry ingredients, whisk until smooth. Place corn, capsicum, shallots and herbs in a bowl, add just enough batter to bind.

  3. Heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a non-stick pan on medium heat, then drop in two tablespoons of batter per fritter. Cook for 2 minutes on each side until golden.

  4. Top with roasted tomatoes, rocket and bacon, and drizzle olive oil around base.