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Baked Potato Wedges
Baked Potato Wedges

6 large potatoes
2 tablespoons olive oil

Prep time: 10 minutes + 10 minutes soaking
Total cooking time:45-50 minutes
Serves: 2-4

  1. Scrub 6 large potatoes and cut each one into about 10 wedges. Soak in cold water for about 10 minutes. Preheat the oven to hot 220°C (425°F). Drain the wedges and pat dry with paper towels.

  2. Tip the wedges into a shallow baking dish in a single layer. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and toss until well-covered.

  3. Bake for 45-50 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with salt.

Notes: For perfect wedges, you need to use potato varieties high in starch. Floury varieties like Idaho, Sebago, Spunta and Bison make the best chips.

For more low-fat potato wedges, omit the oil and spray lightly with an oil spray.