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with Cocky's Joy

Damper with Cocky's Joy

3 cups self-raising flour
1-2 teaspoons salt
90g (3 oz) butter, melted
½ cup water
½ cup milk
milk, extra, for glazing
flour, extra, for dusting
butter, extra, for serving
golden syrup ("cocky's joy")

Prep time: 20 minutes
Total cooking time:25 minutes
Makes one damper

  1. Preheat oven to moderately hot 210°C (410°F). Brush an oven tray with melted butter or oil. Sift flour and salt into large mixing bowl; make a well in the centre. Combine butter, water and milk and add to flour. Stir with a knife until just combined.

  2. Turn onto lightly floured surface; knead 20 seconds or until smooth. Transfer dough to tray; press out to a 20cm round.

  3. Using a sharp pointed knife, score into 8 sections 1 cm deep. Brush with milk; dust with flour. Bake for 10 minutes.

  4. Reduce heat to moderate 180°C (350°F). Bake 15 minutes or until damper is golden and sounds hollow when tapped. Serve with extra butter and syrup.